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Cultivating Positivity: Welcome to the CCFC



In February 2024, a pioneering group emerged in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park (CNP) – The Cairngorms Crofters and Farmers Community. With a resolute vision to promote, protect, and develop the positive role of crofts and farms within the rural economy of the CNP, this newly established group is set to make a lasting impact.

To achieve our vision we aim to:

1. Support Local Food Production:

The Cairngorms Crofters and Farmers Community is committed to nurturing the roots of local food production within the CNP. By championing sustainable agricultural practices and fostering connections between producers and consumers, the group aims to enhance the accessibility and availability of locally sourced products, ensuring economic vitality for the region's agricultural community.

2. Raise Awareness and Improve Education:

One of the group's key objectives is to cultivate understanding and appreciation for the positive benefits of crofting and farming in the CNP. Through educational initiatives, workshops, and outreach programs, the group seeks to enlighten the local community, general public, policymakers, and agencies about the integral role played by these practices in sustaining the rural economy.

3. Have Constructive Communication with Policymakers:

To ensure the voice of crofters and farmers resonates in policymaking corridors, the group actively engages in scrutinising policies and providing constructive communication on behalf of its members. By fostering a direct line of representation with the Scottish Government and agencies, including the CNP Authority, the group strives to shape policies that are both supportive and conducive to the unique challenges faced by the region's agricultural community.

4. Share Best Practices and Encourage Mentorship:

Recognising the importance of knowledge exchange, the group facilitates a platform for its members to share best practices, encouraging mentorship and collaboration. Through training programs and support initiatives, the group seeks to empower its members with the tools and skills necessary for sustainable and thriving agricultural practices.

5. Collaborate with Strategic Partners:

Aiming for innovative solutions, the group collaborates with strategic partners to research, pilot, and implement farming-friendly initiatives. By working closely with experts and institutions, the group seeks to help its members evaluate their environmental footprint and embrace nature management practices that contribute to the preservation of the CNP's unique ecosystem.

6. Identify Sustainable Opportunities:

With an eye on the future, the Cairngorms Crofters and Farmers Community actively identifies sustainable opportunities to increase the benefits derived from crofting and farming. By exploring avenues for diversification, the group envisions a resilient and thriving agricultural sector that not only sustains itself but also contributes positively to the broader community and environment for generations to come.

As the Cairngorms Crofters and Farmers Community takes its first steps toward realising these objectives, it stands as a beacon of hope for the sustainable future of agriculture within the breathtaking landscapes of the Cairngorms National Park and surrounding area.

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